A Poet's Ear: A Handbook of Meter and Form

Categories Criticism & Theory

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 12.38 MB

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Diamond proceeds systematically through the main phases of history in all parts of the world and tries to show, with detailed arguments, how each phase, in each major region, is explainable largely by environmental forces. First, of course, are the completely carnal men whose minds never rise above the pleasures of the table and the brothel. "Why waste your time with poetry when you can love, sleep, and drink?" they ask. With this "knowledge theory of value" as Bell recognized early on, the "knowledge work" occurring in education and elsewhere appears as a process of unprecedented importance.

Pages: 440

Publisher: University of Michigan Press (May 28, 2013)

ISBN: 0472050664

This means there can be striking differences between practices that have been passed on through contrasting lineages. All the practices developed over time, most often in isolation from each other http://dialysiswashout.com/freebooks/charlotte-brontes-jane-eyre-blooms-notes. Its historical precedents reach back into antiquity. In the Republic, Plato advocated the abolition of the family and social roles determined by sex; in literature, the ancient Greek classical comedy, Lysistrata by Aristophanes preached feminist ideals The Oreads and Other Poems. Then, in 1905, in his Historical Criticism and the Old Testament, "he demonstrated the application of such a procedure to the besetting problems of Catholic exegesis: the relation of criticism to dogma, to science, and to history," and he pointed out that, to trace the observed fact of the development of dogmas, "one must employ the historical method in the study of Scripture." With reference to critical attacks on the historicity of the Scriptural accounts, "Lagrange insisted that the first task in assessing the value of portions having the appearance of history is to analyze their literary genres." 14 click pdf. Social background, linguistic, ideology, and other conditional circumstances, then, had no means read epub.
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