A Theodicy: Or, Vindication of the Divine Glory, as

Categories Spiritual

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

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When my wife builds a sand castle, the sand is not “partnering” with her: it simply lies dormant and allows her to work it into the proper form—adding water if it is too dry, fitting it into the shape of a tower here or a drawbridge there. I use the proceeds of this web site to ad more ebooks and to translate more recent books in Dutch and place them on the site. Raj Mathiramani, who happened to be a psychotherapist and teaches psychology courses. My conditioning got completely broken, so there was an opening to other world views." (After his experiences at 29, he marked his transformation by adopting the first name Eckhart, after 13th-century German mystic Meister Eckhart.) Books like Tolle's, neither traditionally religious nor rationalist, are sitting targets for criticism from across the spectrum: when Winfrey began promoting him, Christian viewers of her show accused her of trying to start her own church; to hardcore rationalists, Tolle's ideas are no better than the crystals-and-angels nonsense that clutters the new-age shelves.

Pages: 380

Publisher: Palala Press (May 18, 2016)

ISBN: 1357220863

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