Aerial Locomotion (Cambridge Manuals of Science and

Categories Aeronautics & Astronautics

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The boost-glide program eventually became known as DynaSoar. January 28: Nike-Cajun successfully launched 12-foot-diameter test inflatable sphere to a height of 75 miles over NASA Wallops Island, the sphere inflating satisfactorily. ---: One hundred ten candidates were selected by NASA in the first screening for Project Mercury astronauts from Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps test-pilot schools. Van Allen (State University of Iowa) and Dr. Air Force) Africano, Alfred, 41 Afterburner, development, 46, 52, 53 wrong-flow method, 47 in World War II, 52 (See Wind tunnels) Aerojet General Corp., 46, 51, 54, 82, 99, 121, nuclear propulsion of, 54, 78, 92 research and design for, 11, 34 turbojet, propelled, 39 Aircraft accidents, 24 Aircraft Board, 7, 10, 20 transcontinental, 105 passengers, 134 Air Turbine Test Station, 67 (See engine and propulsion types of engines) Aircraft industry, 5, (See companies by name) Aircraft inspection, regulation of, 10 Aircraft Manufacturers Association, 6 Aircraft production British Ministry, 40 Roosevelt's 50,000 airplanes, 46 3-year program, 6 U.

Pages: 178

Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (March 22, 2012)

ISBN: 110760592X

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