Ancient Farming (Shire Archaeology)

Categories Prehistory

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

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Just like any other great civilization in the ancient world, the Egyptian civilization also flourished on the banks of an great river called the NIle. A History of Civilization: Prehistory to 1715 (6th ed.). The gods were thought to be present in the planning and execution of any building project and very specific prayers, recited in a set order to the proper deity, were considered of utmost importance in the success of the project and the prosperity of the occupants of the home.

Pages: 64

Publisher: Shire Publications; Reprint edition (February 15, 2011)

ISBN: 0852638760

It merely points out the fact, as shown clearly by archaeological investigation, that this architecture was not urban in character and was wholly unlike cities as ordinarily defined. Indeed, one of the fascinating challenges posed by such structures is how a population dispersed in small hamlets without hereditary kings or pharaohs could have organized the labor to erect such massive earthworks The upper part of the walls as well as the roof probably consisted of reeds and leaves of trees strengthened by a quantity of wood Ancient Mesopotamia - Thousands of years ago, there were two ancient civilizations, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Both were quite remarkable in technology and language, but each civilization had different advances The age-old patterns of nomadic hunter-gatherer life were transformed by pastoralism, and some nomadic sheepherders, instead of herding their animals long distances, began to experiment with growing wild grasses, which led to cultivating wheat, flax, barley, shallots, watercress, vegetables, and herbs They had trade relationships with the Mesopotamians. They used a form of pictographic script, which, unlike the cuneiform script of Sumerians and the hieroglyphics of Egypt, has not yet been deciphered. Just as the emergence of this civilisation remains a riddle, so does its gradual decline and disappearance. While other river civilisations had successors – Sumerians were followed by the Babylonian empire, the Egyptians finally became a part of the Roman empire, the Chinese civilization kept on chugging under more dynasties – the Harappan civilisation just faded and blinked out of existence, replaced by an entirely different culture – the Vedic culture
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