AP® Physics B & C w/ CD-ROM (Advanced Placement (AP) Test

Categories Advanced Placement

Format: Paperback

Language: English

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If a student successfully passes all subject exams and completes the community service, essay and theory course, he receives an IB diploma. The amount of National Scholars, the most prestigious recognition, increased from 25 to 44. Canyon del Oro is proud to offer the following Advanced Placement courses. Kevin Flores, whose Illinois school district offers only AP classes, is an AP fan. “The thing I like most about students taking AP classes, is that it gives them the confidence to do well in college," he says. "Even if they don’t take the test, or don’t do well enough on the test to receive college credit, they have gained skills that are going to help them in college.” Kompare, the IB graduate, sees the IB program’s strength as a focus on effective written and verbal communication and critical thinking.

Pages: 480

Publisher: Research & Education Association; Sixth Edition, Revised edition (February 11, 2009)

ISBN: 0738606235

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