Bibliographic Guide to Music, 1992

Categories Music

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

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Riverside Press. 1871. 230p. 1435 Detroit. American historical prints; early views of American cities, etc. from the Phelps Stokes and other collections. An annotated bibliography [in progress] of German-American travel narratives, 1800-1918. Guide to Biitish West Indian archive materials, in London, and in the Island, for the history of the United States. (Carnegie Inst, of Wash. The code is intended to identify non-serial items in the same way that the SICI identifies serial items, for the use of persons engaged in functions associated with the publication, such as online retrieval, database link ing, document delivery, rights management, etc.

Pages: 744

Publisher: Macmillan Pub Co (February 1993)

ISBN: 0816116792

Soc. proc. 1845. pl83-92 6989b Clarke, John Mason. A list of publications relating to the geologv and paleontologv of the state of New York, 1876-1893 , source: read online. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters (1937- ). 943.02 D489 STX ref.: Dec. 21, 1926. 42p. typ. 3504 A critical bibliography on the vice-presidency of the United States. Jan. 21, 1941. 5p. typ. 3504a Federal Farm Board: a bib- liographical list. I5p. tvp. 3505 184 BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY U Bibliography of Colorado geology and mining with subject index from the earliest explorations to 1912. (Colorado geol. survey. Bui. 7) Denver. 1914. 493p. 5973 MacDowd, Kennie. The public print- ing of the first territorial legislature of Colorado. Denver, Colo. 1936. p72-8 (Extract from the Colo. mag ref.: read here. Stienon. 1854. 2v. 5145 O'Neill, Edward Hayes. Biography by Americans, 1658-1936; a subject bibliog- raphy. Press. 1939. 465p. 5146 A history of American biography 1800-1935. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. 1935. 428p. 5147 Pasquet, D. £tats-Unis. In Histoire et his- toriens depuis cinquante ans. II. p500-16 5147a Pennypacker, Isaac R A list of books upon Louisiana territory to 1821. Geology of the Mississippi Valley south of Cairo, the climate of the Mississippi Valley, its change in the past and predictions for the future; a bibliography of books and articles on the subjects in English read here.
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