Bumps in the Road

Categories Anthologies

Format: Print Length

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 7.44 MB

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Each issue will feature a novella, two short stories, and cover art by Ron Guyatt. RIGHTS: We buy first-printing world exclusive English-language rights for six months after publication, and non-exclusive electronic rights for twelve months after publication. If I'd started cooking fries in 1990, by now I'd be managing a McDonald's at a pay scale of 45 to 60 grand. I was interviewed about my HWA nominated anthology The Doll Collection, but the interview was never posted, so here it is: 1.

Pages: 220

Publisher: Black Bed Sheet Books; 1st edition (March 24, 2016)


Humans Wanted needs sci-fi stories that explore different, distinct elements of humankind in a favorable paragon–as invaluable patrons to the universe … Writers are encouraged to inject their creativity into the Gods and Monsters theme and create a story that excites and inspires them , source: paragonvanlines.net. If you’ve never thought sound effects could be scary, then watch Fruit Chan’s Dumplings http://www.nomadatalent.com/freebooks/women-and-ghosts. I'm not sure if they were meant to be tributes, but if we all know what is going to happen, then they cease to have the ability to shock and horrify. This book would be most highly entertaining for the 15-18 year old group. Sudden Victims contains 18 tales from an alternate reality. The narrator is walking through a train and every time he enters a new car the next story begins The Dedalus Book of French Horror: The 19th Century (Dedalus Anthologies). Seasoned fans of these authors won�t be disappointed in their latest release. For a new press, this is an impressive first lineup and will leave readers curious as to what will be coming out next from this small press , e.g. http://internationalrelo.net/ebooks/hanzai-japan-fantastical-futuristic-stories-of-crime-from-and-about-japan. Les’ first anthology, Living in Fear: A History of Horror in the Mass Media could honestly be seen as his opus, as it combines elements of both titles listed on his official web site — horror and history. If much of what I’m about to write seems familiar to the article which appeared on Christopher Golden’s blog here, well … quite frankly, it should, because in many ways, Living in Fear is to horror what Comix is to comic books — equal parts a history studying the genre and an anthology containing seminal works to illustrate said analysis Blood Muse: Timeless Tales of Vampires in the Arts.
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