Carbon and Oxide Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterisation

Categories Nanostructures

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Language: English

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These titanium oxynitrides demonstrate a high quantum yield (> 0.2) for reductive photocatalysis with methylene blue and for ethylene oxidation on a surface where the quantum yield in the visible is easily comparable to the quantum yield under UV irradiation. Early registration dealine has been extended to 7 March 2016 (February 29, 2016). Emphasis is on hands-on experience observing important physical phenomena in the lab, advancing the student's experimental skills, developing sophisticated data analysis techniques, writing thorough reports, and improving verbal communication through several oral progress reports given during the semester and a comprehensive oral report on one experiment.

Pages: 416

Publisher: Springer; 2011 edition (February 27, 2013)

ISBN: 3642266878

Quantum plexcitonics: strongly interacting plasmons and excitons. Zengin G, Wersäll M, Nilsson S, Antosiewicz TJ, Käll M et al. Realizing strong light-matter interactions between single-nanoparticle plasmons and molecular excitons at ambient conditions. Rodriguez SRK, Feist J, Verschuuren MA, Vidal FJG, Rivas JG. Thermalization and cooling of plasmon-exciton polaritons: towards quantum condensation AMN8 is the eighth in our biennial series of meetings that focus on the latest research in advanced materials and nanotechnology. The event will continue the very best traditions of previous events, including a range of high-impact plenary presentations, cutting-edge invited and contributed talks, interactive poster presentations and convivial social events read pdf. Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan, "Time-Dependent Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behavior of Magnetic Tapes," Wear, 251 (2001) 324-332. Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan, "Dynamic Mechanical Characterization of Magnetic Tapes Using Nanoindentation Techniques," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37 (2001) 1616-1619. Xiaodong Li and Bharat Bhushan, "Continuous Stiffness Measurement of Layered Materials Used in Magnetic Recording Devices," Journal of Information Storage and Processing Systems, 3 (2001) 131-142 , e.g.
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