Mystics and the Persian 'House of Wisdom'

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There is often a specific local graveyard or tombstone that becomes attached to the legend. In his 1871 novel, The Coming Race, a man finds an entrance to the hollow earth where he discovers an ancient superpeople described as a "race akin to man's, but infinitely stronger of form and grandeur of aspect" who use an energy called "vril" to perform wondrous feats, such as controlling everything from the weather to emotions. The MC announces the next part as ""the struggle between the profane and the sacred."� The conductor stands in a silhouette that suggests the same pose that the upcoming Satan takes. 102 min.

Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, Volume II

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The conclusion that Hapgood reached was that a civilization with high seafaring and mapping skills surveyed the entire earth in the ancient past. Therese during the �60�s, and by 1978 the rich pastor of St. I wish he didn't follow stream of consciousness style in writing and developed his ideas better and become clearer on what he really finds and sees instead of pasting all these stories and playing the skeptic on us. ...more

Egyptian Religion

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Christ warned his disciples to "be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Finally she grabbed a sword, began to shake, as if in a trance, addressed the moon in many prayers that sounded wild and exotic, cut herself in the arm, wiped o√ the blood with a laurel branch, and sprinkled it over the pyre. Myers, the American anomalist writer and humorist Charles Fort, the astronomer, computer scientist, and ufologist Jacques Vallee, and the French philosopher Bertrand Méheust.

The Modern Apostles: The Dawn of a New Era

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Once we have sunk into this state of pessimism the problem is suddenly complicated by self-doubt. I’m not afraid.’ Later that day, as she was dozing in the locker room, Remy Chua opened her eyes to see Teresita Basa standing in front of her. What are you waiting for?’’ It turned around and disappeared from the room at once. And when all the transient has been left behind, when final liberation has been attained, when our little self is lost in the greater Self in us and in the ALL, as a drop of water is lost in the sea, does it mean that all consciousness is lost?

Celebrities Decoded: the 27 club

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Christian amulets have survived in large numbers, but they were frowned upon by the theologians and condemned from time to time by the Church councils as works of the Devil and a form of idolatry. Many philosophers of the first eminence, as Plato, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Democritus, &c. travelled through every region of the known world for the accomplishment of this kind of knowledge; and, at their return, they publicly preached and taught it.

St. Mary Magdalene: The Gnostic Tradition of the Holy Bride

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We can compare that to places like the ancient city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia that almost certainly was on the edge of Lake Titicaca and now it is 50 miles away. Moreover, the native American Thunderbird serves as an allegorical figure, illustrating deeper truths concerning the struggles of life and the changes within it. As Jacob travelled from Beer-sheba to Haran, he laid down to sleep one night and saw a spiritual ladder in a dream with angels of God ascending and descending to and from heaven and earth.

Hoaxes!: Dupes, Dodges & Other Dastardly Deceptions

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Many Ceremonial types cite the Circle's ability to keep out negative energies and influences as being most important. Realistic ghosts, a screeching raven, howling voices, and other scary things welcome the visitor. The lodge included Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring, and Hitler's subsequent personal physician Dr. It is irrelevant whether this theory goes back to the magi who followed Zoroaster or is Thracian and belongs to Orpheus, or is Egyptian or Phrygian, as we may guess from seeing how the ritual of both [of the latter] countries includes many 259 Arcana Mundi themes relating to death and mourning, and that these form part of their ceremonies and liturgies.

Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE: The History, Technology, and

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May, appalled at the degenerate goings-on and general squalor of the abbey, and distressed at the death of her friend, returned to England after the occult funeral and told some rather hair-raising stories to the London papers. But that, of course, still fails to explain how Mrs Allan could have seen the three men on a hill that did not exist.* The ‘information universe’ theory, according to which everything that has ever happened is ‘on record’, suggests that the Allans experienced a ‘time-slip’ of much the same nature as those experienced by Jane O’Neill and the two English ladies at Versailles.

Mysteries and Magic

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As a consequence of the ESP experiements at Duke, standard laboratory procedures for the testing of ESP evolved and came to be adopted by interested researchers throughout the world. There are numerous items which aren?t safe to recycle and lots of which fun essays for sale online facts about air conditioning are unclean to recycle. For even if we do not think [about it,] the signs themselves, by themselves, perform their proper operation, and the inexpressible power of the gods to whom they [the signs] belong recognizes itself, by itself, and its own images, without having to be awakened by our mental processes.

Conspiracy Theories in the Arab World: Sources and Politics

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We do not judge anyone's beliefs, religion, etc. But in the meantime the daughter of its occupants arrived, looking worried. There are better ways of making yourself happy than guzzling down a box of chocolates on your own while watching a chick flick and measuring your partner up against impossible standards. All the mythical creatures on the screen begin to dance and be merry and have a feast. 78 min. "THE LEAVES ARE FALLING."