Dark Love: 22 All-Original Tales of Lust and Obsession

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Format: Mass Market Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 12.60 MB

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Another large group are from the superb British atmospheric horror writers of the early 20th century: E. and attraction awaits you within her bower! That way, you can send it out again right away. WE RETAIN ONE-TIME RIGHTS FOR THE TIME IT IS FEATURED LIVE. There was a Twilight Zone (I think) about a wife with a weak heart so terrified of being buried alive that she has her coffin rigged with an alarm system. Reilly said TNT has “about four properties in the development pipeline to move through this.” He said the “Tales from the Crypt” episodes will be an hour each.

The Girl in the Flower Dress

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Format: Print Length

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 12.16 MB

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Unless you're Heather (Heather Donahue), a wannabe documentarian, who drags her camera crew out into the woods to make a movie. Now they’re back with a new giallo film, FRANCESCA. Fiction, nonfiction, and memoir in a Pueblo Magico by the sea. Like the best of Lansdale's own fiction, you will find yourself involved in the stories, flipping pages quickly, and constantly feeling the range of emotions you want from a book. The tastes of this anthology series run toward light horror or psychological horror rather than anything brutal (think along the lines of: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, Black Mirror, etc.).

Bedside Manner

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Format: Print Length

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 7.20 MB

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Very rarely can a three-issue mini-series help put a publisher on the map. Indeed, some of the best horror books have yielded the best horror films ever made (Stephen King's The Shining for example). It pretty much sums up the goofy, but still somehow scary film. Chehelnabi, Amin, “Shameful Sofalee,” Innsmouth Magazine #15. But, dear readers, I have to admit how ridiculously unfounded my bias was – I hadn’t ever really given flash fiction a fair chance and was set against a style of writing I had never really read.

Massacasm (The Daemonia Anthology Book 2)

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Format: Print Length

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 11.75 MB

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Make a milestone play a role in your poem, story, or CNF. And this is what I will be sharing with you today. Here is one city’s epic tale told in seventy-five chapters, each influenced by a different iconic figure. Williams, Conrad “The Offing,” Terror Tales of the Ocean. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the End of the World. I’d really like authors to stretch themselves and instead of just writing alternate history, set the story in a parallel universe or on another planet.

Beneath the Surface: 13+ Shocking Tales of Terror

Categories Anthologies

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 11.72 MB

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So I wrote Dolls, which so took the Mayflower folk aback they showed it to their lawyers, who advised them to publish." Authors will also receive an e-book and print version of the anthology and wholesale pricing for additional printed copies (typically 50% of cover price). I love stories about writers, students, literary types, that kind of thing, and that was stuff he knew well. You could almost make the argument that Leviathan deserves to be considered the forerunner on the resurgence in anthology series, and if main editor VanderMeer wasn’t so busy writing and publishing his own work, we very well may have seen volumes come out more often than they have.

The Madness of Cthulhu Anthology (Volume One)

Categories Anthologies

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 10.46 MB

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Dumplings is a great standout segment, and an even better standalone film. A group of women make an annual road trip to a remote location in the Pacific Northwest. But what would the world look like if everyone could live and be young forever? Benefit from years of editorial experience at Big 5 publishers. Many of these scary books have been turned into the scariest movies ever made, while others are too frightening to be imagined in real life. a book or other collection of selected writings by various authors, usually in the same literary form, of the same period, or on the same subject: an anthology of Elizabethan drama; an anthology of modern philosophy. a collection of selected writings by one author. 1630-40; < Latin anthologia < Greek: collection of poems, literally, gathering of flowers, equivalent to anthológ(os) flower-gathering (antho- antho- + -logos, adj. derivative of légein to pick up, collect) + -ia -ia Her most recent book, Reality Matters, is an anthology of essays that she edited about reality shows.

Dark Light

Categories Anthologies

Format: Print Length

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 13.86 MB

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Ann & Jeff Vandermeer shook things up with a whole series of beautifully packaged volumes, from a fake compendium of discredited diseases to a cabinet of curiosities. The weird western is the forefather of steampunk, with a history that includes Stephen King’s Dark Tower and Card’s Alvin Maker. It is a surprise that it never did what Paranormal Activity did and create a string of sequels; it finally does here but at a time when the Found Footage genre feels played out of all moves A documentary about 2000AD ...

The Henry James Collection I: 24 Novellas and Short Stories

Categories Anthologies

Format: Print Length

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 11.18 MB

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As stated by various authors, “(…) las obras de anticipación, en letras hispanas, sólo han sido salvas al aire de unos pocos francotiradores, en modo alguno una corriente ininterrumpida y prestigiosa” [Science Fiction works, in the Spanish literary tradition, have been shots red into the air by a few snipers, by no means a continuous and prestigious ow] (my translation). The film offers up five scary shorts surrounded by a frame narrative about a group of douchebags who sneak into a house and find some creepy VHS tapes.

Frost and Other Stories

Categories Anthologies

Format: Print Length

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 8.14 MB

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The town of New Milford, Connecticut—where I grew up—has its share of unsettling lore. Light on story but heavy on cool, “Ol’ Chief Woodenhead” is a great starting point for this anthology. Based on the King shorts “Quitter’s Inc.,” “The Ledge,” and “The General,” the film is framed by the unlucky cat as he travels through the U. Not all of the signs, or they never would have kept me as long as they did. Continuing with Third Flatiron's quarterly themed anthologies, we will be soliciting SF/Fantasy/Horror short stories with the following themes.

Mysterious and Macabre (Victorian)

Categories Anthologies

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 5.37 MB

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No cover letter or bio is necessary, but we do appreciate a hello, and won’t bite until thoroughly riled. There's The Best Horror of the Year Volume Eight by Ellen Datlow, The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Volume One by Neil Clarke, The Year's Best Sc ience Fiction & Fantasy: 2016 edited by Rich Horton, and The Year's Best Military & Adventure SF 2015: Volume 2 edited by David Afsharirad. Morgan seems to be a relative newcomer to the formal publishing world, but her talent is already quite evident.