Children's Literature and Learning: Literary Study Across

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In other words, he^jniist support dassicism, for "men cannot get on without giving allegiance to something outside of themselves." One example would be the theme of the distant father in Steven Spielberg's work. By thus under-scoring its own artificiality, the film works to break the illusions by which all popular narrative delivers its ideological assumptions” (p. 33).] Dixon, Roland B. It is achieved in various combinations of available explanations and interpretive stances.

Metaphysical Poets (Approaches to Teaching World Literature

Categories Criticism & Theory

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Part Two treats "Political Criticism and the Challenge of Otherness;" Objective Knowledge; and identity, multiculturalism, and justice. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are", Somerset Maugham "as usual, I am bored by narrative", Virginia Woolf, "A Writer's Diary", 1929. "While fiction is a mode of travel into textual space, narrative is a mode of travel within the confines of this space." In other words, we remember a story in its process of development and resolution, but a moment, although it remains embedded in a story and may well even supply a pivotal moment in the drama, also seems to stand out.

At the Autopsy of Vaslav Nijinsky (Carnegie Mellon Poetry

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The “natural” beauty of the body and of cloth have been created and exalted by art. From his classification of all fine arts, he leads us into the discussion of tragedy. The Radical Future of Liberal Feminism, 1981. Ar^s function is the widening and better ordering of hu- man experiences. He is as much for the extremes as they were for the golden mean. Thus Romanticism is a "sentimental" form of romance, and the fairy tale, for the most part, a "sentimental" form of folk tale.

The Perversity of Poetry: Romantic Ideology and the Popular

Categories Criticism & Theory

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On the one hand, the relationship between poetry and philosophy was framed in terms of a conflict between competing traditions: Xenophanes notoriously objects to the poets’ presentation of gods, and Plato problematizes the mimetic nature of poetry in his Republic. Literary critics have many skills, but those which the practising poet needs to acquire are close reading, explication and evaluation. Recently, new knowledge of genetic evolution has been emerging that openly contradicts the Darwinian Theory of evolution.

The Cansos and Sirventes of the Troubadour, Giraut de

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Minturno's two treatises, De Poeta (1559) and Arte Poetica (1564), the first in Latin, the second in Italian, were the fullest discussions of the theory of poetry and drama yet written. Allen, Kilpatrick & de Moor, London: Saqi Books, 1994, pp. 46-55. ------------------, "Religious Motifs and Themes in North American Mahjar Poetry," Representations of the Divine in Arabic Poetry, ed. D’Alton 1962 presents a separate survey of Roman criticism for those readers who are mainly interested in Latin texts.

Zeppo's First Wife: New and Selected Poems (Phoenix Poets)

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The reasonable duration enables the spectator to view the drama as a whole, to remember its various episodes and to maintain interest. It is possible to trade options on shares: but it is also possible to create options on these options. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 15.1-2 (1996): 41-81, 221-268. Some critics celebrated art for art's sake, with no moral strings attached, such as Arthur Symons in The Symbolist Movement in Literature (1899).

Masculinities, modernist fiction and the urban public sphere

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In layman's terms, the habit of projection is reflected in the attitude that "everybody is out of step but me" or "I'm the only hon- est person in the crowd." The more pertinent questions are what is the community being addressed in the writing, how does the writing participate in the constitution of this audience, and is it effective in doing so", Silliman, "In the American Tree", p.xxi "The concepts of quality and value - and to the extent that these are central to art, the concept of art itself - are meaningful, or wholly meaningful, only within the individual arts.

Women On Ice: Feminist Responses to the Tonya Harding/Nancy

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It was concluded that we might recover, from the monuments of literature, a knowledge of the manner in which men thought and felt centuries ago. In the latter Israel is cast out of his inheritance and wanders in the labyrinths of Egyptian and Babylonian captivity until he is restored to his original state in the Promised Land. Amazing Stories Quarterly 1 (Fall 1928): 435. Other errors are grounded in a serious failure to understand how culture influences diffusion.[6] Two examples deserve to be mentioned. "[What] cries out for an explanation is the failure of food production to appear, until modern times, in some ecologically very suitable areas" (p. 93).

The Last Romantics

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Using the brief handout on Reception Theory handed out in class, consider one text (a poem, story, film, drama, etc.) that you read a long time ago and then re-read. Yet since Aristotle is vague in the usage of this word, critics have to interpret it on his behalf. Some argue that images — or visual culture — have replaced texts as the dominant form of representation and communication. A Commentary on the Tale of Apuleius, trans. New York: Pantheon, 1956. [Prints first H.

American Literature

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Dissertation: City University of New York, 2002. What are the effects of paraphrasing or summarizing a text? However, in so far as the sequences are – also – ideas for a film, they embody a paradox, since they are not only ideas for a film but actually bits of film themselves. Axiomatically, without sincerely considering other possibilities, they rejected the idea of a "personal" God, the possibility of verbal revelation, and the authority of tradition in interpreting these texts. [50] Mordechai Breuer, an Orthodox Jewish scholar, goes even as far as to state that he is prepared to accept much of the critic's findings.