Culture in Mind: Cognition, Culture, and the Problem of

Categories Cognitive Psychology

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Language: English

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Lisa has taught at all levels from kindergarten to college and has a master's degree in human relations. Such models give cognitive psychologists a way to study the "software" of mental processes independent of the "hardware" it runs on, be it the brain or a computer. The objective of this course is to master select topics in perceptual psychology and sensory neuroscience, focusing on visual perception, visual neuroscience and computational neuroscience.

Pages: 448

Publisher: Oxford University Press (October 29, 1998)


For more information on electronic textbooks, please refer to our eText Initiative site online. Neuroscientist David Eagleman says most of the brain's real action happens below the level of the conscious mind. He tells Anne Strainchamps that the brain can be described as "a team of rivals," with different mental functions competing against each other. Neuroscientists have made remarkable discoveries about the brain, but so far, no one's come close to cracking the biggest mystery of all -- the connection between the brain and the mind: how a tangle of neurons inside your skull produces... you , cited: Prerequisites: PSYCH-UA 1 and 22 or NEURL-UA 100 and 220. The objective of this course is to master select topics in perceptual psychology and sensory neuroscience, focusing on visual perception, visual neuroscience and computational neuroscience. This is an interdisciplinary field of science, crossing the boundaries between psychology, biology, physics and engineering , cited: download online. Consequently, our students will need to select courses based on advice and consultation with a major advisor and academic program committee. We want our students to have a strong foundation in Health and Social Psychology, and so we will recommend students take coursework in Health Psychology (681) and/or Social Psychology (670) if they lack a strong foundation in these areas
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