Discourses On Various Subjects

Categories Hymns

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 14.47 MB

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Copyright notice: All the hymns are public domain; original arrangements are © as indicated in the sheet. Whenever I’m home, your music is playing. I often think and feel that I’m in church listening to a sacred music concert. He was a new Christian at the time, and while he was driving home from work he asked God why this was happening to her. A number of classical composers have been involved in writing hymns, or have had their music adapted as hymns. Please move your cursor over your chosen track.

Pages: 230

Publisher: Ulan Press (August 31, 2012)


I truly believe that the Christian Hymns handed down to us from our Christian forefathers will be with us forever, even to be sung in Heaven! And I am most certain that they are a gift from God Himself, JESUS CHRIST, who is to be PRAISED AND ADORED! Giving HIM all the GLORY AND HONOR, FOREVER AND EVER ref.: In Memoriam. Caleb Davis Bradlee, 1831-1897! There are many wonderful hymns that may be used throughout the funeral liturgy http://internationalrelo.net/ebooks/the-justification-of-a-sinner-and-satans-law-suit-with-him. Portions of that can be seen on Google Books. A 1999 Presbyterian hymnal appears to be its cousin. Some other Spanish hymnals are on-line: e.g Lyra hibernica sacra. We hear the Christmas angels the great glad tidings tell; Last year, I heard Sarah McLachlan’s slight edit of the tune and immediately caught a new vision for the hymn. Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip , cited: rmmnaidu.com. Salve Mater Misericordiae An excellent 11th century Marian hymn. This version is from the CD 'sublime chant'. The Latin lyrics and English translation: I recall instances when I was singing in the congregation and feel immediate relief and comfort when the words of an old ‘standard’ flashes up onto the screen… only to become crestfallen moments later when I realize that though I know the words well, the arrangement is a mystery. For transparency’s sake I will say that when that happens, I find it upsetting because, for me, it immediately undermines my sense of unity within the body at that particular time , e.g. download here.
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