Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education: A

Categories Political Freedom

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Even if a political party maintains power, vociferous, headline grabbing protests and harsh criticism from the mass media are often enough to force sudden, unexpected political change. Here we will draw from the more elaborated treatment in the appendix to the introduction to Hegel's lectures on the Philosophy of World History. Hope is needed to shake people and is feared by president Snow: “A little hope is effective. Know, Hakim, the meanest free Christian noble would scorn, on his child's behalf, such splendid ignominy.'' ``Thou errest,'' said the Hakim; ``Philip of France, and Henry of Champagne, and others of Richard's principal allies, have heard the proposal without starting, and have promised, as far as they may, to forward an alliance that may end these wasteful wars; and the wise arch-priest of Tyre hath undertaken to break the proposal to Richard, not doubting that he shall be able to bring the plan to good issue.

Pages: 112

Publisher: RAND Corporation (August 21, 2013)


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