Everglades: Wondrous River of Life

Categories Plants & Animals

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 9.41 MB

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Professional exterminators may use gas cartridges, aluminum phoside, or trapping to remove the animals. The park’s 33,000 acres contain forest, field, river, and wetland habitats that offer food, water, shelter, and open space to wild animals. Topanga and Malibu Creeks contain tidewater gobies, arroyo chub, and the federally-listed endangered, southern steelhead trout. Amateurs and professionals can share their best photographs, or discuss nature photography. Mainly Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphins but also common Bottlenose Dolphins were captured in these hunts.

Pages: 64

Publisher: Elan Pub Inc; 2 edition (August 1, 1992)

ISBN: 1879924056

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