Evil Necessity: Slavery and Political Culture in Antebellum

Categories Slavery & Emancipation

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 13.34 MB

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Slaves were the most conspicuous and valuable such property. My own book argues, in contrast, that the outbreak of the American Civil War was anything but accidental. Paul tells slaves to become free, if they can ( 1 Corinthians 7:21 ), and conversely tells free people to not become slaves ( 1 Corinthians 7:23 ). The 17th century Dutch colony known as New Amsterdam had a tremendous labor shortage since there was much to do and few people to do it.

Pages: 328

Publisher: University Press of Kentucky; First Edition edition (February 21, 2003)

ISBN: 081312252X

Part 19: (War Department telegraph office, late night) There is commotion and anxiety apparent in the telegraph office as Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, Secretary of Navy Gideon Welles and telegraph officer Thomas Eckert discuss the assault on Fort Fisher. Suddenly, a seated President Lincoln interrupts the exchange with a funny story about Ethan Allen that appears to relieve some of the tension until news finally arrives that Union forces have prevailed at the Fort, though not yet at the city of Wilmington, and at the cost of yet another round of bloody casualties , cited: The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Written by Himself, Second Edition. At the Alliance Against Modern Slavery we believe that through education and awareness raising campaigns we can better tackle the paucity of knowledge and discourse surrounding modern-day slavery. We confront slavery at the local and international levels, and come to it from a vast array of backgrounds , source: http://internationalrelo.net/ebooks/saltwater-slavery-a-middle-passage-from-africa-to-american-diaspora. Radical abolitionists like Garrison also worked tirelessly to counter the advocates of colonization. Garrison's widely distributed Thoughts on African Colonization (1832) offered an uncompromising attack on the idea, in part, by citing blatantly racist and proslavery statements of various leading colonizationists , e.g. The Invention of the White Race (Volume One: Racial Oppression and Social Control) (Haymarket.
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