Franz Liszt: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge

Categories Music

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Language: English

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Comp. by Margaret Ells under the direction of D. Union catalog of materials relating to Kentucky and western history in Lexington and vicinity. (Deposited with the Hist, dept.) 6255 Kentucky Library Association. Helpful annotations are included. (Ref/Z/5053/Al/R49/1985) A useful supplement to Reynolds is Bibliographic Index (Ref/Z/1002/B595), in which new book-length and periodical bibliographies of over 50 items are listed under the heading "Dissertations, Academic.' This source is especially useful for its "research in progress' list.

Pages: 536

Publisher: Routledge; 2 edition (May 5, 2004)

ISBN: 0415940117

A list of references on Thomas Hart Benton (1782-1858). April 18, 1934. 16p. typ. 5197 Beveridge. Jernegan essays in American historiographv. Univ. of Chicago press. 1937. p374-93 5197a Beverley. Robert Beverley, the historian of Virginia. XXXVI. p333-44 (Oct. 1928) 5197b Blair , e.g. The pictures or paintings have captions that provide titles, where applicable, and brief explanations. Each volume also contains a nenpyô and bibliographical information. The Okinawa Prefectural Archives (OPA) collects and maintains a number of documents and records related to the modern history of Okinawa Remember, when you're searching a music database, the word "music" will be in just about every item, so you don't need to include it in your search. But, when you're searching a non-music database like Sociological Abstracts, using the word "music" in your search can really help limit your results , e.g. One that is particularly helpful is the choice for subjects (and choosing show more to see more choices). This is particularly helpful for composers (or genres or results in general) with many "hits" in the catalog search. From here you can see if an item is availalbe, where in the library it is shelved, and the call number (exactly how it's filed on the shelf) download for free.
Davies (1992-1994) and David Hill (1995-96) for German vintage period experiences, T ref.: division of Conservation and advance- ment Richard Hakluyt and the English voyages. (Am. Soc. 1928. 289p. (Contains: an inventory of Hakluyt's writings, p260-8; and an inventory of English books on geography and trip to 1600, p269-77) 615 Petherick, Edward Augustus, comp. Cata- logue of the York Gate Library shaped by way of Mr. William Silver; an index to the literature of geography, maritime and in- land discovery, trade and colonisa- tion ref.: click book. First American variations of Catholic Bibles. XXVII. p89-98. 1937 4399b Paschal, Robinson. a quick creation to Franciscan literature. Y. 1907. 55p. 4399c Periodical literature. Books by means of Catholic authors within the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; a labeled and annotated list Asso. 1937. pl46-67 6505a Farmer, Silas. Detroit. 1884 (Maps, p32-6, 697-9) 6505b Foster, Bernice M. George Wahr. 1928. 30p. 6506 Fuller, George N. VII. p232-47 (July 1923) 6506a Goodrich, Mrs ref.: click here. Ref- erence record of literature on city electrical railways listed by means of towns, compiled from stories through railroad commissions, public carrier commissions, legislative commissions, investigating commissions, electrical railway businesses, transporta- tion specialists and others, with categorised index
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