His Wife: Taken by the Shifter: Shifter Cuckold Erotica

Categories Ancient & Controversial Knowledge

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Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

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And the interest in mystical experience was in turn a development of my interest in those curious states of happiness and affirmation that Chesterton called ‘absurd good news’. The Illuminati is thus the modern vehicle of Organised Evil on Earth. It also reminds deeper alters of cult control. The second form is the magic that was taught by the "evil ones", or al-shayatin. Whether you’re in Israel or Turkey you have to do business in the Roman Admiralty Law system which dates back to the Phoenicians and known as the International Maritime Admiralty Law or simply the Law of the High Seas.

Pages: 17

Publisher: Twisted Fiction Publications (October 1, 2015)


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