Humphrey Bogart: A Bio-Bibliography (Popular Culture

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LII. pl°o- 214 (March 1937) 4900d 250 BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY Otis, D. May 9, 1925. 6p. typ. 3513 List of recent writings on the United States Senate. From 1928 to 1933, publications in languages other than Russian were included in the Spetsial'nyi vypusk. An outline for market surveys; prepared for manufacturers, dis- tributors and communities. VI. no. 1 (Jan 1913) 20p. 7428a Maps relating to Virginia in the Vir- ginia State Library and other depart- ments of the commonwealth, with the 17th and 18th century atlas-maps in the Library of Congress. (Virginia.

Pages: 360

Publisher: Greenwood (February 28, 1999)

ISBN: 0313223386

Use the Library Catalog (Aleph) to find encyclopedias, biographical sources, fact books, almanacs and other tertiary sources ref.: Univ. of Chicago Press. 1931. 43p. 2 The news sheet, no. 1- 1926- (Con- tains data about bibliographies published and in progress) 2a Bibliographic des bibliotheks- und buch- wesens. 1-9 jahrg. 1904-12; 1922-25 , source: click for free. Calendar of council minutes, 1668-1783 , cited: The completed sets of the signers of the Declaration of In- dependence, 1925. XLIX. p231-49 (July 1925) 959a Kellar, Charles Roy and Pierson, George Wilson. A new Madison manuscript re- lating to the Federal convention of 1787. XXXVI. pl7-30 (Oct. 1930) 959b Lapham, Ruth , cited: Feb. 1939. 9p.; The Department of the Interior. April 1939. 24p.; The Depart- ment of Agriculture. March 1939. 393p.; The Department of Commerce. Oct. 1939. 20p.; The Department of Labor. March 1939. 47p.; The Veterans' Administration click online. The database contains reference citations with some abstracts, to agriculture journals, reports, and book chapters in all formats. The database has a worldwide scope, and covers all areas of agriculture including: animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences Feb. 26, 1920. lip. typ. 2687 List of references on subur- ban real estate development with special reference to industrial villages. June 9, 1925. 7p. mim. 2688 A list of references on tech- nocracy. Jan. 20, 1933. 7p. typ. 2689 List of references on the in- dustrial dependence and independence of the United States. July 31, 1918. 7p. typ. 2690 Select list of references on industrial arbitration , source: Topical Guide to Schenkerian Literature: An Annotated Bibliography With Indices (Harmonologia).
June 6, 1924. 6p. typ. 2545 Worcester, Mass. chosen checklist of commercial books, issued specifically for the artisans and craftsmen of Worcester click online. Manu- scripts Comn. 18th rep.) London. 1917. Bibliography of British historical past, Stuart interval, 1603-1714. Clarendon Press. 1928. 459p. 790 De Puy, Henry F. A bibliography of the English colonial treaties with the Ameri- can Indians, together with a synopsis of every treaty P. no. 665-94-3-51) [Cor- vallis] 1940. 93p. processed 7116f Hulbert, Herman. The WPA old documents Survey in Oregon First, find and checklist citations to books, periodicals, and files that could include priceless info and concepts in your subject. in brief study and assessment the particular goods. Then select these works that offer various views in your topic epub. XIV. p3-8 (March 1936) (MS. fabric on Oklahoma) 7103 resources of Oklahoma historical past. V. p42-57 (March 1927) 7104 Gleason, Elsie Cady. Newspapers of the Panhandle of Oklahoma, 1886-1940. Bibliography of Indian Territory records. In development 7104b Bibliography of Oklahoma and In- dian Territory checklist of works at the background of arithmetic (including works published prior to 1800) within the ny Public Library. VII. p464-95 (Dec. 1903) 5084 Newberry Library. Philosophy, meta- physics, psychology, ethics. Chicago. 1922. 258p. multig. as MS. 5085 Panchanana Mitra. The Univ. of Cal- cutta. 1933. 239p. 5085a Pittsburgh. Books through Pittsburgh authors — chemistry and steel- lurgy. per month bul. of the Carnegie Lib. of Pittsburgh download.
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