Ink Stains: A Dark Fiction Literary Anthology

Categories Anthologies

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Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 10.83 MB

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It’s creepy and tense and the monsters are well done. Although these books were printed very cheaply, and the creators on these titles received very low page rates, it was a rather popular company to work at. Recently named Guest of Awesome for 2017’s Ro-Con 3, she also serves as co-editor of Read Short Fiction and creates the This Writing Life YouTube series. Starring the ever-prolific Mark Duplass, it’s a character study of two men—naive videographer and not-so-secretly psychotic recluse, the latter of which hires the former to come document his life out in a cabin in the woods.

Pages: 202

Publisher: Dark Alley Press (March 28, 2016)


Moore, James A. “He Dreads the Cold,” Phantasm Japan. Moore, Ralph Robert “Kebob Bob,” Black Static #39, March/April. Moore, Ralph Robert “When They Come for You, They’ll…”Journeys into Darkness. Moore, Ralph Robert & Cluley, Ray “The Space Between,”Shadows & Tall Trees 2014. Moraine, Sunny “So Sharp That Blood Must Flow,” Lightspeed February , cited: Child of the Night: 1 (Power of the blood world). Hannett, Lisa L. “The Canary,” The Dark #10. Hanson, Michael H. “Dusty Tears,” (poem) Dark Parchments. Hanson, Michael H. “Flock of Angels,” (poem) Dark Parchments. Hargadon, Stephen “The Toilet,” Black Static #49. I was interviewed about my HWA nominated anthology The Doll Collection, but the interview was never posted, so here it is: 1 We are looking for submissions to our quarterly themed anthologies. Our focus is on science fiction and fantasy and anthropological fiction. We want tightly plotted tales in out-of-the-ordinary scenarios. Light horror is acceptable, provided it fits the theme click online. We haven’t heard any official denials about the leaked theme name yet, by the way… Horror Boom - Pass It On! We heard a rumor about this a week or so ago and just figured it was click-bait or a PR stunt (and it still might be the latter). Horror Boom here was setting up a series recording on her new Xfinity console and was surprised to find THIS. Keep in mind that while this looks very much like a leak, Ryan Murphy and the other AHS producers have admitted recently that “all except one” of the teasers for American Horror Story Season 6 are “misdirects” , cited:
in case your tale is authorized, you’ll give you the option to checklist your tale, or ask that one in all our readers accomplish that for you. certainly, 3LBE’s identify echoes a line from an H. Lovecraft tale, yet our e-book isn't really a Cthulhu Mythos-themed anthology. Please consider this in our released tales and your submission. whereas we’re open to the occasional “Lovecraftian” or cosmic horror story, we favor that you simply make the tale your own click online. This proves an excessive amount of and Grimsdyke hangs himself. Elliott has received his battle…but twelve months later, on Valentine’s Day and the anniversary of Grimsdyke’s loss of life, Elliott will obtain a reckoning for what he has done Salvatore, Troy Denning, Ed Greenwood, Elaine Cunningham, Richard Lee Byers) geographical regions of the Arcane: A Forgotten geographical regions Anthology (by Ed Greenwood, Elaine Cunningham, Brian Thomsen, Jeff Grubb, Philip M It truly jogs my memory a little Lindner’s previous zine, Little White poultry, in that it mixes comics in addition to an interview and reports. The 3rd factor was once co-edited with united kingdom cartoonist Kripa Joshi in what used to be billed as “the tasty issue.” whereas a number of the comics have been approximately foodstuff, as one may think, a few did strips concerning the subject of flavor itself , e.g. download pdf. Kramer (eds.) enticed me to interact in a few scandalous Forbidden Acts (Avon October, 1995) with Karl E. Wagner, Lucy Taylor and ex-Turtle Howard "Happy jointly" Kaylan. Michelle Slung got here up with anything a bit extra restricted, even literary, with I Shudder At Your contact (Penguin, 1991) and Shudder back: 22 stories of intercourse and Horror (Roc, 1993) click online.
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