Larry Sitsky: A Bio-Bibliography (Bio-Bibliographies in

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Publications of the Treasury Dpartment. as of July 1, 1935. [Wash. Snyder, Henry L. "Early Printed Books and the Low Countries: Accessing the Past through the Computer." State Library Bib- liography of the writings of Archer But- ler Hulbert. C. 1933. 23p.) 7015 Pioneer printing in North Carolina. List of publica- tions issued by the United States Naval Observatory, 1845-1908. For private distribution. 1930. 59p. 5385 Mather family. H. 6334c Ecology 4625a Economic councils 2065, 2067-9 Economic fluctuations 2055d-e Economic geology 2061 Economic history and condi- tions 1553, 1638, 1649, 2048- 3212, 3772, 5l23a, 5132c; colo- nial 919; Great Britain 837; international 7760; Latin America 1828; Massachusetts 6490a; New Jersey 6715; Penn- sylvania 7233-4; Utah 7380 Economic material in public documents, California 5935 Delaware 6023; Illinois 6103 Kentucky 6251; Maine 6324 Massachusetts 6397; New Hampshire 6671; New York 6843; Ohio 7056; Pennsylvania 7144; Rhode Island 7268; Ver- mont 7387 Economic planning 2059, 2067, 2069-70 Economic problems 5831a Economics 78, 139, 372, 408, 808, 2050, 2052, 2054-5, 2060, 2062, 2072, 4501, 7631; dissertations 322-3; Spanish America 7691; periodicals 196, 200b, 241 Economists 1404a, 5153b Eddas 599 Eddy, G.

Pages: 232

Publisher: Greenwood (April 30, 1997)

ISBN: 0313290202

Restriction of immigration, 1920 to 1925; a selected bibliography. P510-26 (Feb. 1926) 4259 Panunzio, Constantine. The immigrant por- trayed in biography and story; a se- lected list with notes. Foreign Lan- guage Information Service. 1925. 16p. 4260 Pittsburgh. Foreign-born Americans; their contribution to Ameri- can life and culture; a selected list read here. XLV. p95-150. 1936 7083a Osborn, Herbert. Columbus. 1930, p353-410 7083b Overman, William D. Index to materials for the study of Ohio history. XLIV. pl38-55 (Jan. 1935) 7084 Research projects in Ohio history. XLVIII. p338-40 (Oct. 1939) 7084a Select list of materials on Ohio his- tory in serial publications. Soc. 1941. 36p. (Reprinted from Ohio arch, and hist. quar , source: No help canbe provided for exam questions. Note: To access and complete any of the examinations for this study unit, click on the appropriate Take Examic n on your “My Courses”page Union list of serials of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in the principal Presbyterian and Reformed theological seminaries and other large libraries of the United States and Canada. Bibliography of jour- nals, books and compilations (American and foreign) which list and abstract patents. List of serials in the University of Illinois Library, together with those in other libraries in Urbana and Champaign , source: click for free.
In- ventory of federal information within the states July 12, 1923. 20p. mim. 2295 record of references on trusts within the usa, together with mergers (Supplementary to published lists on federal keep watch over of trade and firms, 1913 and 1914). April 14, 1938. 27p. reprod.) 2296 a specific record of references on shares and bonds , cited: Leavitt. 1884. 434p. 500 Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. Bibliotheca Americana; catalogue of a personal li- brary. .. infrequent and priceless books re- lating to the USA, additionally neighborhood histories.. .. Y. 1870. 172p. 501 Catalogue of a rare collec- tion of works in relation to the USA. Bradstreet Press. 1868. 140p. 502 Leclerc, Charles. Bibliotheca Americana; catalogue raisonne d'une tres precieuse assortment de livres anciens et modernes sur l'Amerique et les Philippines sessions par ordre alphabetique de noms d'auteurs , cited: The Viola da Gamba Society Index of Manuscripts Containing Consort Music. A initial payment record of the published experiences and corres- pondence of the Minister of overseas family members of the govt. of the Hawaiian Islands, 1845 to 1862, inclusive, including a listing of the published gov- ernment records spoke of or quoted therein , cited: download online.
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