Negotiating the Maze: An Implementation Guide to S/NVQs in

Categories Philanthropy & Charity

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

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The turning point in Rockefeller’s involvement in the social sciences came with the establishment of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Fund in 1918, named after Rockefeller’s late wife. He later backtracked, creating the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to provide emergency credit to hard-pressed relief agencies as well as banks and railroads. In my second blog, I focused on charity, describing how it operates on the ground with individuals. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), a parish-based organization for Catholic laymen, dedicated to visiting the poor in their homes.

Pages: 172

Publisher: NCVO Publications (September 1993)

ISBN: 0719914086

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