The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine

Categories Ancient & Controversial Knowledge

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It has also been an emblem for the Boy Scouts. Life is the power to defy mere brute force, to struggle for survival. Power to cure disease, win a law suit, walk on water and such things. The Dublin Occult Grid has a number of monuments in its vicinity which carry a hidden message (This ‘showing without telling’ is an important principle in high-level magic). In his presence she once again ‘fell asleep’. Blake wrote, ‘Man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through the narrow chinks of his cavern,’ while Goethe declared: The spirit world is never closed Your heart is dead, your senses shut … Yet what made the romantics so miserable — sometimes to the point of suicide — was the feeling that there was nothing they could do about this narrowness: that man is trapped in a kind of prison and sentenced to life.

Pages: 203

Publisher: Bear & Company (October 1, 1998)


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