The Migration of Constitutional Ideas

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One abuse of these laws can lead to cases extreme to death. There is certainly something humanistic about philosophy. You will be surrounded by unfavourable circumstances. This conception of a law of nature that is the ultimate standard of human laws and institutions was combined with Aristotelian and Christian notions to form the long-standing natural-law tradition of medieval legal philosophy. A critic of the argument from interpretation, then, might claim that the argument’s proponents have not carried their burden of providing a rationale for this premise, on which the argument crucially depends.

Pages: 459

Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (January 18, 2007)


All these plans as a whole — with their common aim of legal plunder — constitute socialism. Now, since under this definition socialism is a body of doctrine, what attack can be made against it other than a war of doctrine , cited: At the College of Law he teaches contemporary jurisprudence, Great Traditions in Jurisprudence (historical jurisprudence), and seminars on the natural law tradition, legal positivism, and other topics in jurisprudence. White was formerly affiliated with the ASU Department of Philosophy, now housed in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, and joined the law faculty in 2004 Law Express: Jurisprudence (Revision Guide). He identifies as a recurrent theme "the possibility of detaching the conditions that constitute legal validity from the evaluative content of the putative norms in question." (5) Legal positivists claim that "the conditions of validity are divorced from content" (5) while Dworkinians, for example, claim that "what the law is partly depends on what the law ought to be in some relevant sense of ought." (5) Law's "essential normative character," (5) Marmor claims, is not in dispute: law purports to provide reasons for action. "The doubts concern the question of what kind of reasons legal norms provide." (5) Debates about the conditions of legal validity lead to a more general debate, one about the nature of the enterprise of philosophy of law itself If you want to see your face clearly in a mirror, you must remove the dirt in the mirror, keep it steady and remove the covering also
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