Treatise on Materials Science and Technology: Ion

Categories Nanostructures

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Language: English

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Lian, MRS Proceedings. "Spatially Resolved Characterization of Locl Phenomena in Materials and Nanostructures", 738, 239 (2003). "Silica Based Nanospheres, Nanowires, Nanosubstrates, Nanotubes, and Nanofiber Arrays", J. Lee, “Nanostructures and Porous Silicon: Activity at Interfaces in Sensors and Photocatalytic Reactors,” Phys. In particular, I will discuss how we identified phonon-assisted Auger recombination as an important energy loss mechanism in nitride materials that may be responsible for the efficiency-droop problem of nitride LEDs.

Pages: 516

Publisher: Academic Press Inc (August 1980)

ISBN: 0123418186

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