Cesar Vallejo: Autografos olvidados (Textos B)

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ANTONIA : Feminine form of Roman Latin Antonius, possibly meaning "invaluable." Several thousand children and elderly died each month needlessly.� In March 2000, 70 members of U. The latter was formed in 1990 to address the needs of pensioners. It was not until the 1820s that Americans began recovering American Revolution memories, and their revisionism typically had a bias that served the day’s agenda.� The Puritans’ reputation had faded to nothingness by 1820, especially as they made the mistake of supporting the British Crown during the American Revolution.� With rising nationalism, they were rescued from oblivion in the 1820s and eventually became the “Pilgrims,” although little about the popular representations of them is accurate. [184] In 1825, ascendant nationalism led to a big bash, and Lafayette, the French general whose forces were the deciding factor in the American Revolution (and he also took a prominent role in the French Revolution), came to Boston during his American tour and commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill.� The rising tide of nationalism led to a big celebration in 1826 of the 50th anniversary of the American Revolution.� When Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, adversaries who personified America’s political philosophies, both died on July 4th, 1826, Americans felt that it was a sign of providence.� George Robert Twelves Hewes was a shoemaker of modest means.� Shoemaking was a poor man’s trade in those days, and Hewes became one because he was too destitute and small (standing five feet, one inch) to pursue the more lucrative ones.� He participated in the “Boston Tea Party,” eventually served in the American Revolution as a privateer (and his captain stole his lucrative share of the plunder), was conscripted into the militia, and once bought his way out of conscription.� He met with General Washington and even repaired John Hancock’s shoes in his younger days, but his participation in the “Tea Party” brought him fame as America recovered its revolutionary memories.� He was about the only living survivor of the “Tea Party” in the 1830s.� The term “Tea Party” was never used to describe that event until the 1830s. [185] � A figure so obscure that most of his life lies beyond the recovery of historians, Hewes bathed in his newfound fame during the 1830s.� When seen in the golden glow of his celebrity and old age, Hewes recalled destroying the tea alongside John Hancock, which was almost certainly false; the elite ringleaders of the tea action conspicuously stayed at the Old South facility when the “Tea Party” was arranged. [186] Christopher Co lumbus died in obscurity in 1506, but when mercenaries discovered gold-plated civilizations on the New World’s mainland, Spain recovered Columbus from obscurity and he became a heroic figure, although few, if any, facts support such stature.� Accompanying the rise in American nationalism, Washington Irving, a novelist, published a three-volume epic on the life of Columbus in 1828.� It became a huge bestseller.� Irving made up events from whole cloth, such as the Spanish Court doubting that the world was round and Columbus setting out to prove it.� When the fabrications of Irving, Weems and others were discovered, American ideologists defended them.� The logic was that America needed its own mythology, separate from Europe’s. [187] � With all the fake hagiography being concocted by American mythologists, there was even an effort in the 19th century to make Columbus a saint .� In 1831, a poem set to the tune of a drinking song won a contest, and the Star Spangled Banner became the USA's national anthem.� James Madison, who drafted the Bill of Rights, was president from 1809-1817, and as with Washington and Jefferson, he was another slave-owning, Virginian tobacco plantation owner, and the international embarrassment that those slave-owning presidents were accumulating began weighing heavily on their images, if not their hearts.� As with the others, Madison tamely advocated slavery eventually becoming an extinct institution (long after he was gone), and was an early advocate of shipping freed slaves back to Africa.� Later in life, he used novel reasoning to support the expansion of slavery to new lands as a way to “dilute” it.� He died in 1836, without freeing any of his slaves.� Europe began abolishing the slave trade before 1800, and most of Europe abolished it before 1820, and the USA appeared increasingly anachronistic, especially with its many slave-owning presidents.� James Mon roe was the USA's fifth president, serving from 1817 to 1825.� Monroe, a prot�g� of Jefferson and another slave-owning, Virginian tobacco planter, was another paternalistic racist who also favored eventually eliminating American slavery by shipping the slaves back to Africa.� During his presidency, just such a colony was established in 1822, which later became Liberia.� Monroe sized up Indian lands during the 1780s, and his efforts led to the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which was designed to legitimate the American invasion, seizure, and settlement of those lands.� Those machinations were part of Washington’s grand plan, even as native tribes were petitioning the USA's government regarding the “illegal treaties” that were already being foisted on them. [188] � The USA's government was planning on becoming solvent by selling off Indian lands that were not theirs to sell.� Monroe also negotiated the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon’s France, which really was the purchase of rights of conquest.� It was the Indians’ land, not France’s, and no negotiations were made with the natives, as Jefferson’s emissary Lewis soon made clear.

Pages: 192

Publisher: Tamesis Books (March 6, 2003)

ISBN: 1855660849

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