Katherine Parr: Printed Writings 1500-1640: Series 1, Part

Categories Prayerbooks

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

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Grant me grace to bear Your will without repining, and delight to be not only chiselled, squared, or fashioned, but separated from the old rock where I have been embedded so long, and lifted from the quarry to the upper air, where I may be built in Christ for ever. After King Alfred, at the age of twelve or thirteen (861), as Asser tells us, had learned to read, "he carried about with him everywhere, as we ourselves have often seen, the daily Office (cursum diurnum), that is, the celebrations of the hours (celebrationes horarum), and next certain psalms and a number of prayers, all collected into one book which he kept as an inseparable companion in his bosom to help him to pray amid all the contingencies of life".

Pages: 232

Publisher: Routledge; Facsimile edition (July 28, 1996)

ISBN: 1859280943

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