Remote Sensing with Imaging Radar (Signals and Communication

Categories Remote Sensing & GIS

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 8.09 MB

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Geographic Information System as a Tool for Distributed Hydrologic Modelling, GIS India, Vol. 1.2 System and applications softwares, enterprise softwares, 2.1 Basics of data arrangement and access, file environment, 2.3 Data warehouses, meta data and global databases, 2.4 Spatial databases available for natural resources and terrain. 3.2 Major types of networks-LAN, WAN, MAN etc., distributed processing, mobile and wireless applications, 4.2 Statements and their types, keywords, header files, Preprocessor, loops, conditional statements, 4.4 Function types, library functions, user defined functions, call by value and call by reference. 5.4 Introduction to data structure-arrays, stack, linked list, queue.

Pages: 361

Publisher: Springer; 2009 edition (October 29, 2009)

ISBN: 3642020194

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