The New Law on Secular Institutes (1953) (CUA Studies in

Categories Philosophy

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 6.43 MB

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But administration cannot ignore the universal aspects of situations without endangering the general security. The most intellectual judges (Richard Posner, for example) have comprehensive legal theories that provide consistent explanations across many different doctrinal fields. They will then pass on to their incorporation in medical negligence, confidentiality, consent and competence, and medical research.

Pages: 160

Publisher: The Catholic University of America Press (March 31, 2014)

ISBN: 0813225159

The Black Act and the Marriage Act, with their shared emphasis upon the preservation of political stability and patriarchal property rights, may in this context be regarded as manifestations in the legal domain of the metaphysical principles of the transcendental sublime – with its emphasis upon an escape from, and a control of, the dreadful, feminine ‘other’. (shrink) Kody W There will be nothing to protect these ideals. In a world where 'survival of the fittest' is prevalent, and looking at the size of human population we can say only one thing pdf. When we add that with the increase in number and influence of groups in the highly organized society of today a tendency is manifest to recognize practically and in back-handed ways group property in what are not legal entities, it becomes evident that the segment of experience at which the historical jurists were looking was far too Edition: current; Page: [232] short to justify a dogmatic conclusion, even admitting the validity of their method , cited: As a result, a theory of law is more successful the better it both fits with the data about how legal practitioners understand the practice they are engaged in, while also normatively justifying that practice (Dworkin 1986; Perry 1995, 129–31; see also the entry on legal interpretivism ). One concern about the constructive interpretation view of methodology in jurisprudence is that it may not be in genuine competition with either the conceptual analysis or reductive views of methodology pdf.
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