Kieran: A short story in The Anthology of the Supernatural

Categories Anthologies

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Language: English

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On another type of anthology that lies outside the canon, children’s literature, see Baubeta Cluley, Ray “Mary, Mary,” The Second Spectral Book of Horror Stories. Unless you're Heather (Heather Donahue), a wannabe documentarian, who drags her camera crew out into the woods to make a movie. Those who remember the series have their own favourite episode, and ‘Royal Jelly’ is mine. Well-made, funny and with some surprisingly well written character arcs Wickedly irreverent and even occasionally blasphemous comedy in which God is a scruffy, bad-tempered man living in Brussels who spends all his time devising ways to make humans miserable ...

Pages: 12


Some will be campy, some serious, but all will be a fight for the ages. It's time to get your game face on for a collection of tales worthy of the title Monster Brawl! Isolation... not just physical, but psychological, emotional; it plays with your mind, drags out your deepest fears, makes them larger than life and far more sinister. For this anthology, we looked for stories that pitt the main character against their own greatest fear , e.g. It is, in fact, one of my favourite series, period. Hammer’s time as the leading horror giants in film came to an end in the mid-’70s. But 1980’s “Hammer: House of Horror” proved that the British powerhouse still had a few impressive scares up its sleeve. The series ran for a mere thirteen episodes. But those 50-ish minutes were jam packed full of terror and suspense , cited: A bunch of scary movies tied in one neat package. The earliest cinematic horror anthology is the 1924 silent film Waxworks, in which a poet conjures different stories in a wax museum. The tradition has continued, with some of the best received horror films of recent years being anthology based. It’s a sub-genre I’m a bit of a sucker for – even the bad ones still feel like reading a cheesy comic book download here. Lazarus Risen will seek SF (no fantasy or horror, please) short stories that explore the economic, political, social and psychological consequences of life extension, human cloning, the hard upload and other forms of the biological singularity
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